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In the 6th stage of Balloon Kid and Balloon Fight GB, Northern Sea, there are tiles of Loose Ground.


Loose Ground appears as singular tiles throughout the level. In the level, they appear either in a row of 2, 3, 4, or alternating every other tile.


When Alice stands on these tiles, they shake and then fall.

Vs. Balloon Fight/Balloon Fight (NES) Clouds - Pipes - Platforms - Propellers
Dangerous Arrow - Sparks
Balloon Kid/Balloon Fight GB Bumper - Game Boy - Loose Ground - Moving Platforms - Ultra Hand
Dangerous Big Chestnut - Boulders - Crusher - Icicles - Light Bulbs - Oil Drums - Snowflakes - Stalactites
Balloon Trip Breeze Bell - Block - Buoy - Brick Block - Rest House - Rest Island - Podium
Dangerous Balloon Breakers
